My artwork has always contained an organic element- symbols and traces of seeds, pods, leaves and vines are in nearly every piece. Even my more abstract paintings appear mysteriously landscape-ish. Now I wouldn't categorize myself as a Nature or landscape artist. Most landscape artists are interested in capturing the beauty of Nature. It's not the beauty of Nature I'm interested in per se (although, I admit, it is hard to avoid). I am interested in the roleof Nature; it's intrinsic creative function as a biological organism and our place within it. Recently my work has taken a more conscious "Green" swing. Not because it's in fashion but because of a deep inner compulsion for a return to Nature. (A return to the primordial womb?)It is true however, that Nature (Green/Organic) IS in fashion right now! One may speculate the causesand motivation behind this trend: diminishing forests, urbanization, global warming, depleted natural resources, genetically modified foods... But the fact remains that there is a definite collective trend happening! It seems appropriate therefore to reinstatethe movement of Organicism (the philosophy & history to be discussed in another blog) as "Neo-Organicism" to represent this current movement which is emerging and manifesting visually through Artists, Designers, Media, Engineers, and Architects through out the world. For the past year I have been engaged in an investigation of these visual manifestations in their various forms and have posted some of the most powerful examples below.
Unless otherwise indicated, copyright vests in 'ARTiculation Today' author, Lori Robeau. The information, artwork, photographs and text, are subject to copyright. Commercial use of these materials is prohibited without prior written permission by the author or any person, artist, company or organization represented herein.
The information provided on ARTiculation Today has been prepared & posted in good faith. Accuracy of information in this blog is important but not guaranteed and ARTiculation Today shall not be liable for any reliance placed on it. All attempts will be made to correct any inaccuracies posted on ARTiculation Today if they are brought to authors attention.